Envoyé par the_real_slim_jesus
:reflexiomo6: Un dvd autoboot bootmii qui boot sur une wii sans puce et qui lance le preloader ?
Normaaaaaaal !
EDIT: Après avoir téléchargé le fichier, histoire de regarder ca;
Je suis tombé sur ce fichier texte :
"Autoboot Bootmii Disc
ModChip Users
Bootmii to be installed has IOS
Trucha Bug to be in the system menu IOS
Bootmii files on SD card
Softmod Users
Bootmii to be installed has IOS
Trucha Bug to be in the system menu IOS
4.0 firmware requires CIOS60BF from Cioscorp
3.2 firmware requires CIOS30 from cioscorp
and Bootmii files to be on SD Card
Nintendo's recovery cd was used has template
Update partion was removed
Main.dol was replace with
Disc was patched to IOS254"
Rien a dire de plus je pense