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Vieux 04/12/2009, 16h12   #7 (permalink)
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Alors là, les japonnais ne vont pas vous aimer

Les français, tous des terroristes (selon les japonnais) ?
ou plus précisément le monde entier


Yutaka Kubota, Japan’s Association of Copyright for Computer Software president stated in an interview that the rampant piracy of Nintendo DS and DSi games can be considered a form of cyber terrorism. The proliferation of these flash carts have enable gamers to download full Nintendo DS games at whim without purchasing them. Kubota attributed the use of Flash carts such as the DSTTi as part of the reason Japan’s economy has been tanking. The video game industry is a huge contributor to the island nation’s success and piracy cuts that profit by a very considerable amount. Could this be the next front on the global war on terrorism?



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