Non non non
De toute façon, les mecs de EA ont reconnus sur les forums officiels que le problème venait de chez eux vu le nombre de gens touchés et j'ai trouvé facilement 20 topics traitant du sujet en faisant une recherche "Game session no longer available" sur leurs forums :pasmafaufe8:
Par exemple :
Fao ea mods - "game session no longer available" - Electronic Arts UK Community
Et je cite la réponse du responsable EA (page 2) :
I can tell you te EA guys are working on this. I have been liaising with them all night via email as they have worked to replicate the issue and checked the server logs to see which users were being affected. I will be sending them the link to this thread as well so they can see what you have already tried / what shouldn't really affect the issue.
I highlighted this problem yesterday afternoon after a few other threads in the forum and getting the same message myself on PS3.
Mais je re-testerais ce soir, avec et sans mon routeur, je serais fixé comme ça