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Vieux 23/09/2009, 14h34   #8 (permalink)
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Date d'inscription: mai 2006
Localisation: Punjabi sans sucre
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I wanted to let you know that the team has released a system update for the Xbox 360 over Xbox LIVE.

Sometime over the next few hours when you sign in to Xbox LIVE you’ll receive a prompt to accept this mandatory update. If you are signed into LIVE already, you may be signed out and asked to accept the update and you’ll be back online in a few moments.
There are no new features or changes in this update. This update is preparation for additional system enhancements (Facebook/Twitter/Last.FM) that will arrive later this year.

Again, there are no new features in this update.
Source :

J'ai souligné les éléments importants :
-C'est pas du BAN
-NON y'a pas FACEBOOK & tout
-C'est juste une préparation des serveurs etc...

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