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Vieux 20/09/2009, 17h03   #2 (permalink)
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Date d'inscription: octobre 2008
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Par défaut

1. "A Day In The Life" - Murphy's Law
2. "All Your Boyz" - Maximum Penalty
3. "Back To Back" - Underdog
4. "Enforcer" - Leeway
5. "Injustice System" - Sick Of It All
6. "It's The Limit" - Cro-Mags
7. "Just Can't Hate Enough" - Sheer Terror
8. "Right Brigade" - Bad Brains
9. "Tell Tale" - Killing Time
10. "Victim In Pain" - Agnostic Front

Voila la list des musiques de radio LCHC reste plus que les The Lost and Damned
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