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Vieux 25/08/2009, 14h07   #4974 (permalink)
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Au temps pour moi, il va falloir attendre le 1er Septembre pile poil pour la release du FW 3.0 (je pensais que l'on y aurait droit un peu avant) :

Concurrently with the release of new PS3, system software will be upgraded to version 3.00 on September 1. The update adds various user-friendly features such as the “What’s New” screen, where users can quickly browse the new items available in PlayStation Store as well as their recently played games directly on the XMB™ (XrossMediaBar), with short cuts to each piece of content. PS3 will evolve continuously with the system software updates, further improving the operability and enhancing the user experience available through the network. PS3 owners will be able to enjoy new features by simply updating the PS3 system software to version 3.00 via the “System Update” function on the XMB
Source : communiqué de presse Sony, Sony Computer Entertainment Europe - Virtual Press Office
Bit my shiny metal ass.
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