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Vieux 25/08/2009, 09h01   #2055 (permalink)
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Ripkit FF Dissidia US - VOSTFR
Dissidia: Final Fantasy PSP JPN 462MB CSO RipKit

by Hei

What's Ripped?
Update Removed
Videos relinked to FFST03COSMOS.PMF (12 sec video)

What are the sizes?
Original: 1.51 GBs
Ripped: 693 MBs
CSO'd Lv9: 462 MBs

It'll fit on a 1 Gig stick, heck even a 512MB one.

1. Make sure you have the right image.
The file size should be: 1,622,802,432 bytes
Use the MD5 to make sure.
2. Place the ISO in the same folder of this kit.
The bat should automatically rename you ISO.
3. Execute rip.bat.
4. Copy to memory stick and enjoy.

Note: Relinked to the FFST03COSMOS.PMF because there was slight issues
using a blank PMF. You have to go through 12 seconds of video, but
its a small price to pay yeah? You can skip them anyway... | Free File Spreading Engine

edit : il s'agit du ripkit de la version JAP modifié pour la version US
fonctionne chez moi, le jeu est en francais
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