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Vieux 30/07/2009, 05h22   #1251 (permalink)
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Il n'y aura plus de mises à jour pour GT5 Prologue :

No More Updates for GT5 Prologue

In a dash of bittersweet news, we can all collectively stop hoping for an “Update Available” message to appear one day when we fire up Gran Turismo 5: Prologue. The game’s “US Producers”, Chris Hinojosa Miranda and Taku Imasaki confirmed that the team is now completely focused on getting Gran Turismo PSP and GT5 out the door in this Q&A session on the official PlayStation Blog.
Source : No More Updates for GT5 Prologue

Bref, vivement GT5 maintenant !
A mon avis, on va en bouffer du DLC payant avec ce jeu...
Bit my shiny metal ass.
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