Quand on formate le disque dur en 28 bit peu être. Mais pas en 48 bit.
Il y en a qui avait dit que ça pouvait aller jusqu'à 1 To (1024 Go), d'autres avaient dit 2 To.
Bref c'est le portefeuille qui gueule avant la console.
In response to the limitations of HD Loader, a number of independent programmers have developed patches which extend the functionality of HD Loader to improve game compatibility. These include a fix to improve dual-layer support, one to implement a non-aligned data buffer (which allows Gradius V to be played from the HD), one to defeat newer copy-protection measures (popularly known as the God of War fix), one to support the new "slimline" SCPH-70000 series PlayStation 2 hardware and one to implement 48-bit Logical Block Addressing (which allows HD Loader to take full advantage of hard drives larger than 137 GB; or 128 GiB, as reported by HD Loader) as of 0.7c hard drives of up to 2 Terabytes can be used.
HD Loader - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia