Discussion: Rock band 2
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Vieux 11/05/2009, 16h07   #7 (permalink)
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j'ai trouver ca, mais bon c'est en anglais et certain passage son un peu flou.. si quelqu'un pouvait m'aider :


Rock Band 2 America 7.67 GB

Can be installed via PC, but songs on the second layer will cause the game to lock up.

The fix:
-Extracted files from the ISO with Apache 3

-Open ISO with ISOBUSTER and saved FILELIST.TXT in the extracted folder (right click on the small red ISO icon select Directory tree and file information then select List tree-info (in text file) then select LBA,relative path),
Move MAIN_3, 4, and 5 .ARK to GEN folder
Edit FILELIST.TXT and add lines for MAIN_3, 4, and 5 .ARK, with the same LBA listed in APACHE 3 and same path of MAIN_2.ARK

-Open CDGenPS2 and selected Import Tree File, ISOBuster from the Advanced menu. Select FILELIST.TXT from the game folder. Used LBA, no fix or something.
Saved the image


Voila merci
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