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Vieux 16/04/2009, 11h57   #1531 (permalink)
Hasheeparmentier FTW!
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Avatar de Colonello
Date d'inscription: mai 2006
Localisation: Aquae Sextiae
Âge: 44
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Envoyé par s3th Voir le message
Une nouvelle maj est apparue ce matin quand j'ai lancé LBP. Pas encore faite, mais qu'apporte elle?
Si tu as fait les précédentes update, probablement l'update "cornish yarg" dont les détails sont les suivants:
  • There is a new music player which lets player’s choose their own music from the XMB to play during create mode and in their Pod
  • Improved decoration mode makes it easier to customize your Sackboy
New options to help prevent profiles becoming full of unwanted community objects:
  • Option to delete all unhearted community objects and photos
  • Option to select whether to automatically collect community prizes and photos
  • A number of improvements have been made to make profiles more robust and to recover from certain errors
  • We now support Japanese and Korean IME for text chat.
  • Emitter prediction has been improved
  • The player proximity switch now has a ‘require all’ option in it
  • An option has been added to cycle between various level information when viewing community levels on the earth
  • Various other LittleBigStore improvements
EDIT et apparemment d'autres améliorations diverses :

-You can now change your facial expressions when your using the 2nd, 3rd or 4th control and move your hands in Create Mode using any control
-There's now a option to change "Trigger Angle Range" but no option to make square or triangle.
-You can take stickers off of your clothes.
-Before when you saved too many costumes, they got out of order. Now no matter how many costumes you save they'll be in order of the date you saved it.
-There's now a button at the end of the level that shows what DLC was used in the level and gives an option to go to other levels that used this DLC.
-When you're searching for levels, you can press R2 so instead of seeing how many people are playing the level you can see how many stars it has and if you press it again you see how many hearts it has.
-When someone sends "Text Chat" message it shows the name of the person that sent the message in pink.
-The ability to tweak visibility of some joints that was supposed to be in Create Pack 1 was included in Yarg. If you tweak a bolt, piston, rod etc. and scroll down there's an option to change visibility setting.

forum littlebigworkshop.

@Scro et mokette : doucement svp sur les photos, vous faites peur a ceux qui veulent l'essayer, donc faite de jolies capture qui mettent en valeurs mon level au moins (avec des sheeps partout)
D'abord c'est mon sheep et c'est mon idée!
Big up pop pop à mon complice nicks! yeah! blah blah à toi mon canari des îles vierges!

C'est pour les coeurs que je t'ai filé, fallait bien que j'y trouve mon compte, sheep en rut!
Donc si tu veux un coeur pour ton deuxième niveau, bahhh je sais ce qu"il me reste à faire!
Dans les premières photos il est mis en valeur ton niveau, on a l'air de s'y eclater comme des fous! Sans ça y'aurait pas de photos et ce serait tout triste! Donc j'attends mon merci ou je te fouette à coup de RPG dans dépôt Tharsis.

A la santé du colonel.........lo?
Don't underestimate the power of the delaystation! This is lagging!

"Hallo! Ich bin Rodolf! Como esta ...dans la casa?"

Dernière modification par Colonello ; 16/04/2009 à 12h37.
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ninonico (16/04/2009)