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Vieux 11/04/2009, 16h09   #2245 (permalink)
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Envoyé par Ryo Suzuki Voir le message
Is AIO Freequest Editor should be used only with Free01.afs and HUMANS.AFS?
Cinematics Editor should be used only with all others afs?
This post was written to clarify some things.

There are in this project 2 differents editors:
  • Shenmue AiO Cinematics Subtitles Editor (formely knows as Shenmue AiO Subtitles Editor): This editor was made to translate every SRF files found in AFS files. This's including each AFS in "SCENE\<DISC_NUMBER>\STREAM". Each Shenmue is concerned about this file structure.
  • Shenmue AiO Free Quest Subtitles Editor: This editor is ONLY for PKS files in the HUMANS.AFS. NPC (Non-playing characters) in Shenmue II must be modified with this editor. For this game (only this game then??), subtitles in FREExx.AFS do NOT have ANY effect in the game.
So to resume how to translate the Shenmue series ?
  • What's Shenmue (DC) :
    • Translating cinematics: ?
    • Translating Free Quest: ?
  • Shenmue I (DC) :
    • Translating cinematics: Shenmue AiO Cinematics Subtitles Editor, modifying SRF files located in each AFS of the "SCENE\<DISC_NUMBER>\STREAM" directory.
    • Translating Free Quest: Shenmue AiO Cinematics Subtitles Editor, modifying SRF files inside FREExx.AFS located in the "SCENE\<DISC_NUMBER>\STREAM\" directory (based on the Ryo Suzuki post, because modifying PKS in the HUMANS.AFS in this game don't have any effect in-game?)
  • Shenmue II (DC & XBOX) :
    • Translating cinematics: Shenmue AiO Cinematics Subtitles Editor, modifying SRF files located in each AFS of the "SCENE\<DISC_NUMBER>\STREAM" directory.
    • Translating Free Quest: Shenmue Free Quest Subtitles Editor, modifying each PKS files inside HUMANS.AFS located in the "\SCENE\<DISC_NUMBER>\NPC" directory.
If this resume is correct i'll include it in next releases.

I don't know why but each game have a HUMANS.AFS with practically the same structure, but it seems that subtitles table inside each PKS files (in the HUMANS.AFS) are ONLY used in Shenmue II. But the strange thing is that in Shenmue II, there is a FREExx.AFS with SRF inside too!!! And these SRF files doesn't seems to have any effect in game, in the others games, it's the contrary...

For Shenmue II, try to contact Shendream he's translating Shenmue II in french so he knows everything about this game.

For Shenmue I, i don't know very much about it. I know there is a HUMANS.AFS with PKS inside in this game too, and I have modified my Free Quest editor a little bit to allow the read of theses files (because Free Quest editor was made for Shenmue II in the beginning, because we knows that's the HUMANS.AFS in Shenmue II must be translated, NOT the FREExx.AFS!). But i don't know if I need to modify theses files in Shenmue I / What's Shenmue to translates subtitles.

It's complicated as you see and my english is poor, so don't hesitate to write here if you don't understand things.


Dernière modification par SiZiOUS ; 11/04/2009 à 16h19.
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