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Vieux 11/04/2009, 13h46   #2244 (permalink)
Ryo Suzuki
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Ok, thanks.

But in Free Quest Subtitles Editor 2.0 seems make reference to HUMANS.AFS:

"4. You should have now a lot of ".xml" files in the "BAD_PKS" folder that
contain subtitles extracted from *BAD HACKED* files. These ".xml" files must
be imported into *CLEAN* NPC files. To get *CLEAN* NPC files, simply get
them from a clean HUMANS.AFS extraction. Extract these new files in a
directory of your choice (I call it "CLEAN_PKS")."

Is AIO Freequest Editor should be used only with Free01.afs and HUMANS.AFS?
Cinematics Editor should be used only with all others afs?

Sorry for my ignorance :triste:

And by the way I post here some screenshots of my spanish translation:

Best regards!
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