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Vieux 10/04/2009, 23h52   #2242 (permalink)
Ryo Suzuki
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Hi again, friends.

I'm happy because the release of new version of your tools, thanks

But I have a doubt, as you know I'm actually translating disc 1 of Shenmue to the spanish and until now I don't have any problem.

I mean, I have all the cinematic scenes of the first disc already translated this is all the AFS in \SCENE\01\STREAM except HUMANS.AFS and FREE01.AFS.

Then I can see you in the freequest subtitles editor make the advise that the files translated with the old shen_aio_subseditor are bad hacked and can work randomly in the real console...

what this mean? I don't understand. I have translated several NPC in Freequest mode of the file FREE01.AFS and work well in the console. What kind of problem can be make?

I test it with differents characters and seems work 100%. What should I do to continue? Finish the FREE01.AFS with the Shen_aio_subseditor and then starting open HUMAN.AFS and translating the files with the new freequest subtitles editor?

I am confused, don't understand well. Cinematics Subtitles Editor is for all the AFS except FREE01.AFS & HUMANS.AFS? Or FREE01.AFS can be translated with Shenmue AiO subtitles Editor.

Thanks for your help!!!!
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