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Vieux 29/03/2009, 17h05   #101 (permalink)
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Envoyé par seb87_503 Voir le message
Well I tried copying my copy of the homebrew channel to my SD card, Worked.

Booted from nintendo’s half ass NAND bootloader with home brew channel, Worked.

Loaded Homebrew from SD, Worked.

Now the only thing is to see if there is another exploit that can load the homebrew channel installer correctly through the NAND bootloader.

Also maybe the homebrew channel can be copied to the SD through a computer. Just for now until the home brew channel installer will work again.

Also just a suggestion, maybe the home brew channel may not need an installer anymore. If you guys can make a home brew app that can match the signature ID of the NAND backup of the homebrew channel with a signature ID in the wii’s internal memory then it can be installed by just copying it to the wii’s memory like any other backup channel.(Once again, I don’t know if you’ve already tried this, my wii just gave me the option of coping HBC back into my wii’s internal memory.)
Il semblerait que ça puisse fonctinner !
System Menu 4.0 Rundown
Seb87_503 peut tu traduire ton message please
Xbox 360 Arcade 120 GO Jasper HDMI Lite-On 93450c Ixtreme LT+ 2.0
PS3 Slim 750 GO CECH-2504B CFW 3.55 Waninkoko V2 + Multiman 2.09.02
iPhone 4[s] 64GO Noir 5.0
NDS TANK & 3DS Noir Cosmos Acekard 2i HW81 AKAIO 1.8.8
PSP 3004 Rouge 0C (9G) 16 GO 6.60 Pro-B10 PSN
Wii 4.1E Waninkoko + Wiikey V1.99 beta + HomeBrew Channel 1.0.8 IOS 58 V24.32 + BootMii 1.3 (Boot 2) + cIOSd2x V6 + DarkCorp V1.1 + Pimp My Wii 2.28 + Wiiflow 2.2 RC1 REV355 IOS 249 rev21 006 + NeoGamma R9 B50 d2x37v6 (249)
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