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Vieux 03/03/2009, 17h46   #1 (permalink)
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Par défaut R4 Ilégale ! c'est fait !.....

Voila, lisez cet article qui vient de GBAtemp:

the R4 DS is now completely illegal in the country of Japan. The law in Japan now forbids the selling of R4 DS flashcarts.
Apparently, only the R4 is banned in Japan at the moment. I guess other flashcarts such as the Acekard or M3 are legal in Japan if used for homebrew/owned-backups purposes?

Not only was Nintendo responsible, but 53 other software-developing companies have formed a coalition to get these things off the market!
It seems like Nintendo is starting to crack down on the R4 DS flashcarts, as last year they shut down a major R4 distribution factory in China. Who's next?

'Today, the Tokyo District Court has found in Nintendo's favour and granted an injunction against sales of the R4. Most outlets had already stopped selling it due to the lawsuit's pressure, but it's now officially against the law to sell it in Japan.'
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