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Vieux 09/02/2009, 13h30   #1 (permalink)
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Date d'inscription: septembre 2007
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Genre : Homme
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Voila j'ai un leger probleme lorque je commande sur je reçois c me mail a chaque fois.

Thank you for your recent order with
At this time we are unable to process your order as your credit/debit card details do not match the details held by your card issuer.
To proceed with your order please check and amend the following:
Card number
Expiry date
Valid from
numberCV2 (3 digit code on the signature line of your credit card)

For PlayTrade item(s) your order could not be reserved and has been cancelled. If you would still like to purchase this item please resubmit your order following any amendments you have made.
For item(s) it is not necessary to re-submit your order. Your outstanding item(s) will be shipped as soon as we can process the payment.
If you have any difficulties please contact our Customer Service Team on 0845 800 1020 (UK only) or +44 (0)1534 877 595 (outside UK). Our opening hours are 9am - 8pm Monday to Friday and 9am - 5pm Saturday and Sunday.
Kind Regards,

J'ai mis les information demandé et c'est la 5eme fois qu'il me font chier avec ce mail.
Quelqu'un a la solution SVP?
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