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Vieux 02/12/2008, 04h57   #1455 (permalink)
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La MAJ 2.53, qui devait sortir avant le 26 Novembre maisqui devait être passée à la trappe (...) fait reparler d'elle sur le PlayStation Blog :

Hi everyone, in the next PS3 firmware update (v2.53), coming soon, we’re improving the way the Flash Player works with the internet browser. In addition to being able to access more sites using Flash, you’ll be able to enjoy:
  • Full-screen mode playability
  • Live movie (using RTMP format) playability
Now it’s going to be even easier to enjoy web content on your PS3, in full-screen!
Mais on sait toujours pas quand il sortira :reflexiomo6:

Source : PlayStation.Blog PS3 Firmware (v2.53) Update
Bit my shiny metal ass.
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