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Vieux 24/11/2008, 17h37   #303 (permalink)
Hasheeparmentier FTW!
Ancienneté  84%
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Avatar de Colonello
Date d'inscription: mai 2006
Localisation: Aquae Sextiae
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Envoyé par kyori Voir le message
Oui j'avais vu, et aussi sur le forum fr !!!
Il en reste encore 80 000 yataaaaa!!!
De nada!
Faut regarder le forum anglais.
Elixor ne fait que le travail de traduction pour poster sur le forum français.

Update 16:42uk:
We're working on clearing the email "blockage" but its a pretty slow process so I'll say now that no invites will leave today. More on this subject tomorrow.

For those of you interested, the first batch of invites was targetted at a percentage of people who had downloaded something from the Store. Its nothing to do with number of posts in the forums.
The next batch is largely based around active gamers, ie those who have logged into a SCEE hosted game in the last couple of months.
Again its not everyone, for those who dont get an invite Open Beta will be here before Christmas.
Don't underestimate the power of the delaystation! This is lagging!

"Hallo! Ich bin Rodolf! Como esta ...dans la casa?"

Dernière modification par Colonello ; 24/11/2008 à 17h49.
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Duan (24/11/2008)