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Vieux 14/11/2008, 12h27   #4291 (permalink)
Sheep & Nespresso
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Avatar de kyori
Date d'inscription: mars 2007
Âge: 48
Genre : Homme
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Remercié 374 fois dans 240 Posts
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Maj du store US mes amis :

Playable Content

* Age Of Booty full game ($9.99)

Add-on Content

* LittleBigPlanet DLC (listed after the break)
* Hot Shots Golf: Out Of Bounds character pack 2 ($2.99)
* PAIN Movie Studio add-on ($5.99)
* PAIN "The Hoff" character ($1.99)
* 14x FIFA 09 commentary packs (free)
* FIFA 09 English commentary pack 2 ($4.99)
* Need For Speed DLC (listed after the break)
* Civilization Revolution Elemental map pack (free)
* Civilization Revolution Terrestrial map pack ($1.25)
* Star Wars The Force Unleashed character pack 1 ($4.99)
* Guitar Hero World Tour (listed after the break)
* Rock Band 2 DLC (listed after the break)


* Alpha Protocol trailer
* Guitar Hero World Tour Vignette
* Soul Calibur IV trailer
* WWE Smackdown Vs Raw video
* AST Play The Pros Cleveland video
* AST Orlando video
* Prince Caspian Blu-ray trailer
* Wall-E Blu-ray trailer
* BD-Live trailer

LittleBigPlanet DLC

* Sack-Eating Plant costume (free)
* Lily Pad costume ($0.99)
* Hugo costume ($0.99)
* Great Blue costume ($0.99)
* Frost-E costume ($0.99)
* Animals costume pack ($2.99)
* MotorStorm costume pack ($1.99)

Need For Speed DLC

* Aftermarket Body Kit Package ($2.00)
* Aftermarket Hood, Spoilders and Exhaust Package ($2.00)
* Aftermarket Wheels Package ($2.00)
* Collector's Edition Upgrade ($10.00)
* Exotic Car Bundle ($7.50)
* Muscle Car Bundle ($5.00)
* Paint and Vinyls Package ($2.00)
* Pro Handling Bundle ($2.75)
* Pro Power Bundle ($3.75)
* Race Handling Bundle ($2.25)
* Race Power Bundle ($3.00)
* Street Handling Bundle ($1.75)
* Street Power Bundle ($2.25)
* Tuner Car Bundle ($5.00)
* Ultimate Performance Bundle ($10.00)
* Ultimate Visual Bundle ($5.00)

Guitar Hero World Tour

* Hendrix Track Pack ($5.49)
* "Horse to Water" - R.E.M. ($1.99)
* "Man-Sized Wreath" - R.E.M. ($1.99)
* "Supernatural Superserious" - R.E.M. ($1.99)
* R.E.M. Track Pack ($5.49)

Rock Band 2 DLC

Foo Fighters' The Colour and the Shape album ($20)

* "Doll" ($2)
* "Monkey Wrench" ($2)
* "Hey, Johnny Park!" ($2)
* "My Poor Brain" ($2)
* "Wind Up" ($2)
* "Up in Arms" ($2)
* "My Hero" ($2)
* "See You" ($2)
* "Enough Space" ($2)
* "February Stars" ($2)
* "Walking After You" ($2)
* "New Way Home" ($2)
Xbox360 60gb : gamertag : kyoridk59
PS3 Slim 120 Go
PS3 60gb dead paix à son âme !!!

kyori est déconnecté   Réponse avec citation
Ces 2 utilisateurs disent Merci à kyori pour ce poste utile:
malebolgia75 (14/11/2008), stseiya (14/11/2008)