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Vieux 21/10/2008, 09h01   #1513 (permalink)
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Date d'inscription: avril 2008
Localisation: Bischheim (67)
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ça pourrait en intéresser quelques uns, je l'ai également posté sur le topic d'achat import :

code "froogle" pour obtenir -15% sur DVDBoxOffice


DealGuild - Your Canadian cashback and shopping community: Deals

Discount: 15%
Minimum Spend: $0.00
Promotional Code: FROOGLE
Expiry: Unspecified (Add an expiry date)

Instructions: Here's a promotional code which will get you a 15% discount from the online retailer, DVDBoxOffice, which sell entertainment, DVDs, games, music, etc.

How: Add the items you wish to purchase to your shopping cart. Sign in and when you see the "coupon code" box, enter "FROOGLE" as the coupon code.
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