Discussion: Bleemcast information
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Vieux 03/10/2008, 22h19   #5 (permalink)
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The further I could get of booting my own copy of bleemcast is to boot it until the bleemcast menu, then swap for the gt2 CD and press start: there it hangs forever. There's a lot of clever tricks in this disc, hardware protections that are really hard to reproduce or detect. As an exemple, there's critical data written in the pregap of the 2de session. That part of a CD is acutally "guessed" by a cd-reader to be all 0x00. However with a swap reading in raw data mode, you see it and can rip it off. Then insert it in a image that can burn specified pregap (cdi fiels can) and this copy protection is breaked.

However, there's a thousand others, including a track outside of the TOC, a function in the ip.bin that clear memory and completely rewrites it (making a debug bootcd unusable). So far I've found and cracked, with some help of friends, many protections, but I can't find the last one or two taht make my disc not works. I can even start to boot with a backup and finish witht he real one and it'll works.

So far I think we're at least 3 that were able to get our backup to get to the menu screen, 2 on gt2 and 1 on tk3.

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