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Vieux 15/09/2008, 21h50   #392 (permalink)
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Fresh>moi je joue avec la caméra d'origine

Voici le podcast de gars qui ont testé la démo de fifa 09 et qui comparent à la version de fifa 09 qu'ils ont testé(version 3 semaines avant fin du developpement)

version écrite
The fifa demo
- Suffs played the final code a few days ago, both agree that the demo is not as good as the full game. Suff thinks the demo is an unfair representation, alot of the animations have been cut out. Its like they have given you half the animations. With regards to how it plays it plays how you would expect it to, it gives a taster. The arena mode is 100% accurate to the real game. He agrees with us here, 2 minutes is just not enough time to get any sort of feeling for the game. Graphically its almost on par, suffs been focusing on the ps3 version this year as its easier for him to play. In the final version the graphics are slightly advanced.

- Adam thinks graphically the ps3 demo is shocking
- Some of the moves, skills and animations have been pulled out of the demo, suff was told by Ea that there is 3 weeks of work between the code he played and the gold code.
- There are alot of people on the forums talking about the ball physics, like pro evo this year, in fifa you have to be careful where you shoot and when, taking into account foot strength and who your controlling.
- The demo is still good though
lien du podcast(sa parle aussi de pes dedans)
Winning Eleven Next-Gen Blog Podcast 044 - It All Comes Out

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