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Vieux 18/07/2008, 15h26   #122 (permalink)
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la version r9a vient de sortir :

ESR public beta, revision 9a

* changed stream handling to make some old games working (Onimusha: Warlords) - but for some games it will need additional IOP memory
* fixed a bug that caused read callbacks to be called more times that they should (thus making the game think, some data is ready, while the read operation wasn't even issued - GT3 PAL)
* rewrote IOP code to use a little bit less memory
* now it should work with any other valid media than PS2DVD and DVDV - though, I can't find use for that
* replaced some temporary solutions by real ones, thus increasing stability, I guess
* some small changes to get the games that lost compatibility in r9 working again (ie. KYA: Dark Lineage, V-Rally 3/PAL)

ESR - public beta - PSX/PS2/PS3 Scene Newz
PS2 V4 30004R - HDD Maxtor 160 Go
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