Discussion: Les démos disparues
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Vieux 18/07/2008, 13h53   #30 (permalink)
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oui moi pareil mais eu sa marche et 1 autre a di sa apres

So you are basically just copying the method already outlined earlier in this thread by pausing the background downloaded item and then changing the target file with the proxy. Nice one.

mais un autre a encore dit sa

i recently updated to FW 2.41 and i sucessfully got the specific PKG files to download, and so yeah theyre on my PS3 HDD now.. but when i try to install them, i get an error message, like the same one recieved by the person who started this thread.

I think FW 2.41 "patched" using this method of downloading files... im not sure, but its logical thought...

voila si quelqun arive a comprendre 1 peut
Devil may cry 3
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