Les toutes derniers mises à jours!
CycloDS Evolution Firmware V-1.41
[CycloDS Evolution Firmware 1.41] 2008-07-01
* Fixed "My Pokemon Ranch" Wii connectivity
* Optimised and fixed cheat code engine
* Increased the number of allowed fragments, which should reduce the "filesystem too fragmented" error
* Game compatibility fixes (2385 + ingame menu for some games)
* Added some advanced options to the XML configuration
* Miscellaneous other improvements
Exclu du jour, le 1.13 en français pour le DSTT
DSTT & Top ToyS DS V-1.13 Français
[DSTT V - 1.13] 2008-07-01
- support for the new 64 Mbit (8Mbyte) sav documents filed in support of 2385 wifi download songs.
Download songs need a valid ID and KEY the sav documents.
Each original has a unique ID and the corresponding KEY,
each ID up to download 100 songs, more than 100 wifi will be blocked.
- Information to support the upgrading of 2400