J'ai un bug avec le mode dev, avant quand j'appuyai sur une touche avec l'elf que je lui avait assigné qu'il y ai ou non un disque a l'intérieur, sa me lançait l'elf mais sans raison maintenant sa me lance le disque inséré, quelqu'un pourrait me dire d'où cela provient ? x) voici mon CNF :
# for boot from usb use for example : mass:/BOOT/BOOT.ELF
# for boot from memcard use for example : mc0:/BOOT/BOOT.ELF or mc1:/BOOT/BOOT.ELF
# you can use too for example : mc?:/BOOT/BOOT.ELF it wills check for the file in the two slots
# LK_???_E1 entries are first boot attempt, and LK_???_E2 entries are secondary boot file
# AutoBoot_Disc option allow to check if a disk is present (Close the tray !!!) and boot it, set it to 0 to avoid this.
# Debug_Screen set to 1 allow to keep the Green debug screen if no boot file is found, if set to 0 reject to browser
# You should not see Red screen if the CNF is readed, if you experience red screen check that you have config file in valid path
# All LK_???_E1 and LK_???_E2 entries can either be set to a path or to "OSDSYS", in the second case if no key is pressed you will be
# rejected to the browser. If you set a path it will be booted if no key pressed.
# Based on uLaunchELF
CNF_version = 1
LK_Auto_E2 =
LK_Cross_E1 =
LK_Cross_E2 =
LK_Square_E1 = mc?:/SMS2.10/SMS Version 2.1 (Rev.1).elf
LK_Square_E2 = mc?:/SMS2.10/SMS Version 2.1 (Rev.1).elf
LK_Triangle_E1 = mc?:/sms/SMS Version 2.8 (Rev.3).elf
LK_Triangle_E2 = mc?:/sms/SMS Version 2.8 (Rev.3).elf
LK_L2_E1 = MC?:/ESR/ESR beta r8 dvd direct off.ELF
LK_L2_E2 = MC?:/ESR/ESR beta r8 dvd direct off.ELF
LK_R2_E1 = mass:/BOOT/BOOT1.ELF
LK_R2_E2 = mass:/BOOT/BOOT1.ELF
LK_L3_E1 = mass:/BOOT/BOOT1.ELF
LK_L3_E2 = mass:/BOOT/BOOT1.ELF
LK_R3_E1 = mass:/BOOT/BOOT2.ELF
LK_R3_E2 = mc?:/BOOT/BOOT2.ELF
LK_Up_E1 =
LK_Up_E2 =
LK_Down_E1 =
LK_Down_E2 =
LK_Left_E1 =
LK_Left_E2 =
LK_Right_E1 =
LK_Right_E2 =
LK_Start_E1 =
LK_Start_E2 =
LK_Select_E1 =
LK_Select_E2 =
AutoBoot_Disc = 1
Debug_Screen = 0
les deux version de SMS c'est parce que la 2.8 ne supporte plus une de mes cle USB ^^"
EDIT: par contre sans disque inséré sa me lance bien l'elf