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Vieux 10/06/2008, 17h51   #202 (permalink)
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Nouveau firmware de BLISS ispo sur le forum officiel de acekard

1. fixed black screen of 2342.
2. fixed black screen of 2319.
3. You can choose Japanese font in advanced menu on Japanese.

1. fixed note text wrap in the cheat menu.(note icon is deprecated.)
2. changed nds rom setup window.
- added new saveslot window. (you can copy or delete or set as using about any save slot)
- now, each rom has rumble option. ( no more auto activated rumble at booting time. )
3. added new gba rom setting window. (this feature is an exprimental. I need to more develop about this.)
4. supporting Dwedit's gba sleep hack. (get from gelu)
5. improved korean font system. - now, you can change korean font in advanced menu. (korean mode only)
6. you can use "selectionBarColor2" on transparancy selection bar.
7. added line-space option in textview plugin.
8. loader engine is changed to official A13 version.
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