26/05/2008, 14h48
#1 (permalink)
Daedalus R14 Beta
Nouvelle mise à jour non officielle de l'émulateur Nintendo 64 pour la PSP
Homebrew developer Wally has released an unofficial beta build of Daedalus R14, a Nintendo 64 emulator for the PSP. Based off of Strmnnrmn's latest SVN source, the release features preliminary ME (Media Engine) support for enhanced audio processing, as well as all-new application icons and slight improvements in regards to emulation speed.
Given that this is a beta release, users can expect the odd bug or two. That being said, the author notes that if a debug menu pops up while running a ROM image to simply press the PSP's square button to close it.
Lien pour Dl la release:
eXophase.com, the Gamer’s Phase - PS3, Xbox 360, Wii, PSP, and DS coverage
Daedalus R14 Beta, Preliminary ME Support - eXophase.com Forums
EDIT:Bon j'ai testé l'ému et comment dire ça bug sec.....testé sur Slim.