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Vieux 06/04/2008, 12h39   #117 (permalink)
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pourrais tu être plus précis sur " puis elle a flashée ma console,"
tu veut dire qu elle s allume plus ? ne charge plus?

car il semble exister un problème avec le N5 qui fait griller les DS (vus sur DX, YY) il faut espérer que ca soit juste le fusible (de toute manière je vois que ca sur le coup)

sinon tu la fait passer en SAV si elle est sous garantie ou sinon faut remplacer les fusibles voir ici
Nintendo DS Lite : Repair a broken console (blown fuse) - M3 Wiki

si c est bien ta console qui est griller t'est pas le seul apparemment....

exemple ici

I bought the n5 card for my daughters birthday to go with her brand new DS and like the original poster her DS is now dead. the charge light just flashes red and goes off when i try and charge it! It just wont come on...........
It did it to my 2 ds's too. I repaired my 2 ds's and got rid of them. aaaa will replace the n5 card if they are bad. Who knows if the replacement are the same quality as the ones that burned my 2 ds's. .... So i just have to wait and see and hopefully it won't burn my new ds's. To repair you burned ds's, you have to fix f2 or fuse 2.
The N5 just killed my DS also. I received 2 N5s in the mail today. As soon as I stuck one of them into my DS, the DS died. Now, my DS will not power on or charge. I never sent in the warranty for my DS, so getting warranty service will not be easy. Also, the thought of soldering the fuse is even more discouraging. Now I know why the N5 has not sold out.

OMG OMG these N5 are crap..
i bought lots of these cos it says its like the R4, on first impressions they are like the R4, menus layout and system files. Then things starts going wrong, complaints comes in, mainly about battery life is shorten while using N5, Then horror - DS broke! i couldnt believe, is it possible cause by the N5? next few days, more complaints, DS not charge or turns on. ....
I ordered a total of 5 N5s the defective N5 on 3/22/08. I received it in San Franicsco on 4/3/08.

The first did not work well. I think it had bad contacts because most of the time, the DS said no card was inserted. The second one killed my son's DS. I was so stupid, because I tried it again on my son's friends's DS and got the same result - dead DS number 2. I did not even take the third out of the box. There is no way I am sticking another N5 into any DS.

I finally found a replacement blue DS at Gamestop in Oakland yesterday. I'll have to replace my son's friend's DS also. The N5 is a nightmare....

PS pas cool les réponses les gars c'est pas sympa pour lui !

Dernière modification par shinset ; 16/05/2008 à 14h49.
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