Discussion: PS2MENU-k V.30
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Vieux 30/06/2004, 11h00   #1 (permalink)
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Ca y'est Kaylakze vient de mettre à jour sa version de PS2MENU-K elle passe en V30 et apporte pas ma lde nouveautés interressantes en anglais:

-DON'T HIT SELECT. Okay, you can but it won't do anything. Actually it does if you have the right files in your current partition but even then, do to the instability of ps2ftpd, it doesn't work well. With the help of Team Wank3rs, I hope to have full FTP capability soon.

-I added a JPG viewer. The file must have the extension jpg or JPG, not mixed. Use the analog sticks to scroll and zoom. The D-pad scrolls and Square and Circle zoom but the sticks are better. Triangle exits, R1 goes to the next picture, L1 to the previous picture, and R2 starts the 5 second slideshow (which for some reason stops sometimes).

-libjpg isn't very tolerant of it's files so a lot of your stuff may say it's corrupt or come out funny. Some may even cause a lockup, though not often.

-NPO extraction works. File extension must be NPO or npo. Hit X on the file and it'll extract to your MC. Make sure you have enough room on the MC or it may screw up. -New font! -The help page still hasn't been updated so it's not perfect.

-Starts up on your HD file list, not the Saves screen

-HDLoader's game partitions no longer show up since they can't be read and just get in the way.

On retrouvera un Visualisateur de JPG, un exctrateur de NPO le format des sauvegardes, un support pour PS2FTPD mais peu fiable, Le montage des partitions HDLOADER mais elles ne peuvent etre non lus.

Pour la télécharger en version .elf original:


Pour la télécharger en version .npo a transferer avec N-Port:

http://albatordu42.free.fr/Save/PS2MENU-K V30.npo

Pour la télécharger en version X-PORT:

http://albatordu42.free.fr/Save/PS2MENU-K V30.xps

Pour la télécharger en version Shark Port:

http://albatordu42.free.fr/Save/PS2MENU-K V30.sps[

[b]Pour la télécharger en version Xploder:[/g]

http://albatordu42.free.fr/Save/PS2MENU-K V30.p2m

Pour la télécharger en version DMS3 à install avec DMS Explorer:

http://albatordu42.free.fr/Images/DM...MENU-K V30.rar

Pour la télécharger en version Ripper 2 à install avec R2NAV:

http://albatordu42.free.fr/Images/RI...MENU-K V30.rar
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