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Vieux 13/03/2008, 11h14   #757 (permalink)
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Bizarre de sortir une maj de securité maintenant...Si iload s'avere vrai , ca va nous faire du bien...

Car bon le syndrome PSp avec des maj de securité, tres peu pour nous..:pff :

Edit :

This is the i.load package (without the .iso) you need to play backups. It includes everything you need to start i.load on your PS3 at home. The final version 1.4 works on every PS3 worldwide. But think of: 40GB systems can't run PS2 backups. You need a usb keyboard to navigate through the i.load menue.
You can use a smaller external HDD as well (120GB,250GB,320GB) but then you can't store many games in it, 'cause our temp-system needs a lot of HDD space.

Noctice: Use at your own risk. We're not responsible for any demages on your PS3.

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Une conseil, ne mettez pas a jour voitre console !!! on ne sait jamais !!!
XBOX360™ JTAG Jasper256Mo FreeBoot 2.0.13599.0
Playstation® 3 Slim HDD250Go Fw 3.55 Kmeaw

Dernière modification par Aliasjim2000 ; 13/03/2008 à 11h45.
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