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Vieux 08/03/2008, 13h06   #173 (permalink)
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la version us est bien en 480p d'origine nan ?

j'ai trouvé ça :
There is a PPF file that will convert it to Pal, but it wont run in 480P. So I decided to mod it with Wii Video Changer (see my other post).

1. What you need to do is load up your backup ISO of No More Heroes in Trucha Signer.(you must have the correct keys)

2. open up in partition 2 sys folder and right click on the the main.dol and select extract to file and save somewhere.

3. drag and drop that file (the file you have just saved)on to wii video changer.exe then it will scan. once the scan is complete select the video mode the iso was originally (I selected NTSC 480p for no more heroes).

4 Then select the video mode you want it to be ( I selected PAL 480P) once it has finished press 0 (ZERO) to end.

5. Then back in Trucha Signer right click on the main.dol file again and select replace. Select the file that you have just run throught wii video changer.

6. Once that is done right click on the partition you have just edited and select Trucha Sign. you iso that you edited has just been resigned.

Now burn and enjoy like me lol..
donc le patch ppf doit etre possible. Need une ame charitable ^^
GC Viper Extreme 2.1
Wii & YAOSM 1.7

Dernière modification par devil86 ; 08/03/2008 à 13h20.
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