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Vieux 27/02/2008, 11h07   #612 (permalink)
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Il n'y a pas qu'un TOPIC sur ce reglage je recherche car j'en ais au moins 3 mais n'ayant pas de DVD DL pas l'utilitée

Et mince alors il me semblait que sur le site de cyclowiz il etait la mais c'est plus accessible je continu de rechercher ou j'ais bien pu mettre le liens

Déjas une Photo :
EurAsiaWiki - Wii Dual Layer Drive Tweak

et c'est bien sur le site cyclowiz que le tuto est normalement .

en anglais :

======================= Wii Laser adjustment ============================
Well like I said I thought that worked but it didn't so I did a little research and found out how to tweak the Wii side of the laser.

Well I can't seem to embed the vdeo so here is a link.
Wii Laser Tweak on Vimeo

Well a few things you need to know before doing this is the little metal plate you see him moving something in, if you use a pair of hemostats and bend it slightly up it will make this job alot easier. If you use some light you will see a rod. Use the hemostats again to clamp down on the rod turn it a good three-six times and your Wii will boot games again.

If you were looking at it from the bottom you will want to turn it counter-clockwise. Then bend the metal back and you should be good to g, I'd recomend trying before putting it back together again fully to avoid a little frustration. Hope this helps you all. Remeber the guide above it for tweaking the GC laser and the one below is for the Wii laser.

Donc on a besoins de celui ci pour GC :

====================Gamecube laser adjustment============================

So I made a topic about needing a new laser and P-Chan posted this for tweaing the laser for better DL capabilites, well I thought it worked but it seems that is for the GC side for tweaking the POT. Here is what he posted.

NOTE: short about adjusting the laser so it can read DL media, but i guess it also works with normal single layer.

The laser power may have to be tuned before beeing able to read DVD+R DL media (as with DVD-RW media). Less than 50% of test Wii we have can read those discs without any tuning. There is a variable resistor on the optical pickup head itself, that needs to be lowered. In our tests, the original value was typically around 700-800 Ohm, and we had to lower it to around 500 Ohm, but this might be different on each drive. Just make sure you don't go below 50 Ohm or so.

By the way, the test tool is not CycloWiz specific and can be used to test any modchip, it'd be interesting to see which ones are DL compatible. As of today, all of the commercial Wii games are released on single-layer discs, but the drive firmware supports dual layer discs.

Il est ecrit de ne pas descendre en dessous de 50 Ohmes mais il me semble avoir lu que la valeur MINi est de 250 Ohm alors prener garde
PSP1000 CFW 6.60 / PSP Ta088v3 CFW
PS2 V9 SCPH-50004 / PS3 3.55 Kmeaw v9 HDD 500go
Xbox360 Elite Ixtrem LT Lite-On 83850c V1

Dernière modification par mick711 ; 27/02/2008 à 11h45.
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