14/02/2008, 09h37
#1 (permalink)
Fix pour SSBB DVD 9
Salut a tous,
La team Wiinja nous communique cette information pour pouvoir faire fonctionner SSBB DVD 9 correctement.
Voici la démarche a suivre:
* This fix doesn’t confirm that 100% of the owners of wiinja deluxe original can play dvd9 ssbb but will help many of them.
* Use High/Excellent quality DVD+R DL (Verbatim DVD+R DL & MEMOREX DVD+R DL tested)
* Use a DVD9 ISO and tested-as-working-properly burner.
* Burn the DVD at a slow speed.
* Open IMGBURN, select to write iso to DVD, select DVD9, click in TOOLS, SETTINGS->Write->Layer Break->User specified and type 2084960. Burn the DVD.
* Enjoy
* White screen + Japanese green text = Wii reader doesn’t like the DL media and can’t find second layer
* White screen and dvd turning with no text= DL Media w/o Layerbreak fixed.
* DVD9 DL Original & Backup require excessive laser use, forcing and abusing it will provoke future damage in your laser taking the risk of damaging … use at your own risk!
* If your drive gives 3 dry noises (like TOC,TOC,TOC) your reader is defective or dirty or not capable of reading DL
* SSBB Import Backup will create some new Japanese channels in your wii after you update with it …
* All of you that can load the game alter this help will see that the [wiinja] chip is perfectly capable to read DL, other faults like erroneous readings or hang ups are due to the reflexion index of the dvd, because the wii drive is not capable inclusive of reading correctly the original discs like it has been reported by hundreds of users to Nintendo.
* Once the game loads, we should check to see if we observe delays in the audio, go to the options menu and turn off the option Deflicker (a wrench icon) and then re-run the game.
We work exclusively to support Wiinja Deluxe, but we know that the information about this fix is going to be used by clients of different commercial chips that have had the white screen problem and we are happy that the whole community can enjoy this backup….
God bless your lenses
Wiinja Team 2008
Source: Wiinja Forums