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Vieux 21/01/2008, 17h58   #1 (permalink)
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Par défaut [MAJ] PSPKVM v0.10 (Son Supporter)

Bon pour faire simple et efficace voici un homebrews avec le quelle vous pourrez jouer avec les jeux des Téléphones Mobile (.JAR) Excellent,Supporte le son désormais,bon amusement

PS : Preferer les jeux format 240x320 mais les autres passe aussi impeccable.
Homebrew developer sleepper has released a new version of PSPKVM, the app that lets you run mobile and PDA games on your PSP. PSPKVM v0.1.0 now supports audio; it can now play MIDI and WAV files.

PSPKVM is basically a very compact Java Virtual Machine that allows you to run applications and games that were written on the Java 2 Platform Micro Edition, the kind that's usually used to write mobile and PDA games.

So if you've always wanted to play your mobile games on a more game-friendly platform, you'd do well with the PSPKVM. Here's the changelog for PSPKVM v0.1.0:
  • Add audio support, it can play MIDI and WAVE now.
  • Add the homebrew icon, thanks to Datadayne and vivid for making it.
  • Add the function to select the last selected file when restart, thanks to Kevin Borchert's suggestion.
  • The fixedsys font was back, thanks to vivid for making font of the special characters
  • Fix a crash bug caused by a corrupted jar file in the folder, thanks to Kevin Borchert for the reporting.
  • Fix the bug that it don't display file name include '.', thanks to Anton Buckov for reporting it.
Make sure to take a look at the readme for more information on the program, including controls, and how to run mobile games on your PSP.

Téléchargement : PSPKVM v0.10
Source : QJ.NET - QuickJump Home - PlayStation Portable News - PSP Updates

Tester et approuver par mais soins mais certain jeux plante :triste: (Exemple Sonic Jump)

Rien n'est Infaillible /
Nothing is Foolproof

Dernière modification par MickeyBlue ; 16/02/2008 à 21h47.
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