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Vieux 19/12/2007, 16h03   #1440 (permalink)
Hasheeparmentier FTW!
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Avatar de Colonello
Date d'inscription: mai 2006
Localisation: Aquae Sextiae
Âge: 44
Genre : Homme
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Envoyé par tazsup Voir le message
ca va il est pas mal djib on voit que tu as beaucoup de taff lol
C'est le mec qui sèche les cours depuis une semaine pour collaborer qui dit ça! ET PAN! DANS LES DENTS!

message en direct:
Just wanted to give everyone a quick update...the v1.2 release is going smoothly and we are just doing some validation testing right now. We can see many of you are playing already and that's great!

Please note though that we are still technically in our maintenance window so we may have to do a restart one more time if we uncover something "unsavory". That said...all looks good so far.

And YES...Omega Dawn is available from the Warhawk in-game store. Why wait right?

Happy Holidays!!!

Oh more thing. For a short time, there were a very few players in Europe that were able to download Omega Dawn for £0.00. The few of you that were able to get that little gift...consider yourself lucky!!!! :-)"

Dylan Jobe, incognito
Don't underestimate the power of the delaystation! This is lagging!

"Hallo! Ich bin Rodolf! Como esta ...dans la casa?"
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