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Vieux 22/11/2007, 20h34   #3 (permalink)
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salut, en fait dans le readme du firm il y est inscrit que l on peut faire ses backup direct du lecteur dvd xbox vers le pc (utile quand on a pas le lecteur samsung pc)
mais a chaque fois qu je lance le backup avec isobuter il me rip la petite partie film du dvd et pas les donnee
voila un extrait du readme
Creating a game backup

* Full info above to make the "SS.BIN" file first.

* Extract the included "ISOBUILD.RAR" package.

* Insert original game disk into drive.

* And wait for windows to detect disk change.

* Run Isobuster

- Right click on DVD and select Extract From-To

- Click Length and enter number of LBAs as follows:

- Xbox 1 Original Number of LBA to read 3431264 decimal


- Xbox 360 Original Number of LBA to read 3567872 decimal

- Select User Data (2048 bytes/block)

- Click Start Extraction

- Enter filename as game.iso and click Save

- Upon read error dialogue box choose fill with blank zeros
for sector and select use this selection for all errors

* Copy game.iso and ss.bin to the relevent isobuilder directory
(Depending on Xbox 360 or Xbox 1 game)

* Run build360.bat (Xbox 360 game) or build.bat (xbox 1 game)

* Ensure your burner will set the booktype of DVD+R DL to DVDRom

* Burn with CloneCd and choose the image.dvd file

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