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Vieux 17/11/2007, 00h17   #428 (permalink)
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J'en ai pas mais,pour les jeux PS2 ca était confirmé qu'ils seraient tous compatibles.

Quand aux jeux PS3,aux dires de Bad10,y aurait une liste.

EDIT : là voilà

Liste des jeux compatibles aux USA et en Europe
Au 20 Septembre 2007 :

The Darkness 2K Games
Enemy Territory: Quake Wars Activision
Soldier of Fortune Activision
Devil May Cry® 4 CAPCOM
N-Cube Creat Studios
Warbit Creat Studios
Dark Sector D3 PUBLISHER
Turok Disney Interactive
Highlander Eidos
Kane & Lynch: Dead Men Eidos
Burnout Paradise ELECTRONIC ARTS
FIFA franchise (title name TBD) ELECTRONIC ARTS
Legendary: The Box Gamecock
To End All Wars Ghostlight
RAGE id Software
WarDevil - Unleash the Beast Within Ignition Entertainment
Dynasty Warriors 6 KOEI
Fatal Inertia KOEI
Blacksite: Area 51 Midway
TNA Wrestling Midway
Unreal Tournament 3 Midway
Wheelman Midway
Cops (codename, title name TBD) Pyro
Planet One (codename, title name TBD) Pyro
Heroes over Europe Red Mile Entertainment
Condemned 2 SEGA
Iron Man SEGA
The Club SEGA
The Crucible SEGA
The Incredible Hulk SEGA
Blast Factor (*1) Sony Computer Entertainment
echochrome Sony Computer Entertainment
Elefunk Sony Computer Entertainment
Folklore (*1) Sony Computer Entertainment
FORMULA ONE CHAMPIONSHIP EDITION (*1) Sony Computer Entertainment
Go! Sports Ski (*1) Sony Computer Entertainment
Heavenly Sword (*1) Sony Computer Entertainment
High Velocity Bowling Sony Computer Entertainment
MLB 08: The Show Sony Computer Entertainment
MotorStorm (*1) Sony Computer Entertainment
NBA 08 (*1) Sony Computer Entertainment
PAIN Sony Computer Entertainment
Rat Race Sony Computer Entertainment
Ratchet & Clank Future: Tools of Destruction Sony Computer Entertainment
Resistance: Fall of Man (*1) Sony Computer Entertainment
Snakeball Sony Computer Entertainment
SOCOM: Confrontation Sony Computer Entertainment
Super Stardust HD (*1) Sony Computer Entertainment
TOY HOME Sony Computer Entertainment
Uncharted: Drake's Fortune Sony Computer Entertainment
Warhawk (*1) Sony Computer Entertainment
WipEout HD Sony Computer Entertainment
GirpShift® Sony Online Entertainment
NBA 2K8 Take Two Sports
Destroy All Humans 3 THQ
Stuntman Ignition THQ
Assassin's Creed UbiSoft
HAZE UbiSoft
Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter 2 (*1) UbiSoft
Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Vegas (*1) UbiSoft
Prototype Vivendi Games
The Chronicles of Riddick: Assault on Dark Athena Vivendi Games

(*1)  Mode rumble est disponible avec une update software.
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