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Vieux 14/11/2007, 00h00   #411 (permalink)
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M3 Game Manager v35c:

1. Resolved "1612 - Le high Star Wars legend (the United States)" the only safe mode of operation, can now be printed in the normal use of rapid game;

2. Resolved "1629 - Ben 10 guardian of the Earth (Europe)" mode of operation can only security issues, can now be printed in the normal use of rapid game;

3. Resolved "1636 - armored strategy DS (the United States)" can not run the issue, can now be printed in the normal use of rapid game;

4. Resolved "1645 - Earth protector of the (US)" mode of operation can only security issues, can now be printed in the normal use of rapid game;

5. Update "- referring to a" smart Library, 1646 and before the game NDS configuration can be automatically read and mandatory use of Chinese name of the game show.
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