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Vieux 05/11/2007, 18h19   #1 (permalink)
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Par défaut USB Gecko Dispo bientot logiquement

Je voulait vous faire part d'une info venant de 7vince de la rubrique PS2 (voir Memor32)

Un produit similaire a la Memor32 devrait sortir sous peu

Info ici -> USB Gecko Surfaces - TehSkeen Forums

Site Officiel -> USB Gecko - Connect your PC to your Wii via USB 2 for rapid homebrew development!

TehSkeen is proud to present yet another exclusive. The USB Gecko is a small development kit that plugs directly into your Nintendo GameCube/Wii's memory card slot and allows for communication between your console and your computer. Features include streaming DOL (homebrew) images, a remote debugger and MP3 playing capabilities all over a USB v2.0 connection.

General Features

* Connects to Wii and GameCube in any memory card port.
* Loads DOL, Bin files
* Extract DVD media direct to PC
* Memory card manager includes extract memory card files, uploading ect
* Screen grabber utility (dump images from games)
* Music player, upload MP3, Mods, ect ...
* Low level features for dumping firmwares, bios, ect ...
* Full remote debugger over USB with advanced features, works also will all games with auto hooking system
* Streaming application is near finished also so can stream Linux, speed is about 900K/s
* Support for all emulators is in development
* Comes with 512K firmware, which is flash upgradeable, runs USB Gecko OS which is written from the ground up.

Developer features

* Full open source library for writing own USB applications.
* So far there are about 8-10 applications written for the product, supports Windows only so far, all applications have GUI for easy usage.

ETA: Will be released in 2 weeks from today
:l ove::lov e:

Rien n'est Infaillible /
Nothing is Foolproof

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