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Vieux 01/11/2007, 10h59   #219 (permalink)
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J'ai bien peur que ce ne soit pas pour tous les bios, en tout cas pas sur les v7, ni sur les slim...

robocop, je cite quelques passages d'un newsgroup officiel sony, daté de mai 2000:
Envoyé par dev°1
I noticed in the memcard library that files can have an "executable"
attribute. Are there any examples of this use? In particular, can I save a
simple executable on to the memory card from a devtool and then run it on a
debug station, or is that only supported for the retail version?
Envoyé par ps2 support scee
Isn't that for PocketStation software?
Envoyé par dev°1
from libmc.txt:
Valid bits in file attribute:
Readable ***********
Writable **********
Executable ************
Copy prohibited **************
Subdirectory *************
PDA application ****************
PS1 format data **************

I didn't see anything here that implied it was pocketstation-only. Perhaps
this is how the "DVD driver on the memory card" works for the Japanese PS2?
Envoyé par ps2 support scee
Yes the PDAexec is for pocketstation.
I can't really see why as a game developer you'd need to have
an executable on a memory card.
Envoyé par dev°2
I think dev°1 meant "Executable" and
"Copy prohibited".
FWIW, both of those features would seem to apply
to the DVD driver... Can anyone with a Jap PS2 and
a devkit confirm the flags on the driver?
> I can't really see why as a game developer you'd need to have
> an executable on a memory card.
To write a PS2 virus that uses 8mb memory cards as its vector?
An MP3 player/CD browser? An emulator?
It'd just be cool to put a tiny game on there to avoid needing to
cut a CD. Almost certainly not for release, but if you've some
legacy code (eg: an old Amiga game ported to the PSX for
internal 'use' only), it'd be nice to stick the whole thing into
a mem card...
Envoyé par ps2 support scee
Or multi-region DVD hacks, PS1 pirate disc player etc etc.
Somehow I don't think Sony will be giving out much info on executables
on memory cards.
I recon the magic-gate stuff is there to make all that stuff impossible.
Envoyé par dev°2
> Somehow I don't think Sony will be giving out much info
> on executables on memory cards.
Shame, really
> I recon the magic-gate stuff is there to make all that stuff impossible.
Yup. I was wondering what that would be used for. I'd thought
perhaps that everything is encrypted, but it's quite possible that
it's just the DVD player. Given that MagicGate is usually strong
public-key encryption, it could easily be impossible to find the
private key to make executables. It'd be a shame, though, if that
was the case...
Et daté de février 2001:
Envoyé par dev
Hi ppl,
Does anyone know if the 8mb memory card is bootable?
Envoyé par scee
I'm afraid booting from the memory card is not allowed.
Jeux bêta PS2

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