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Naruto Movie Guide
In the summer of last year (2003), it was announced in Japan that a Naruto animated movie was coming to theatres in Japan. This movie has been highly anticipated, and below you can find some information regarding this movie.

The name of this movie is: "Daikatugeki!! Yukihime Ninpoujyou Dattebayo" which is in Japanese, when it is translated into English he title is: "It's the Yukihime's ninja arts book!!". As of now, the movie's tentative release date is August 21st, 2004. There is still a possibility that the release date will be pushed back. As of now, the only thing we know about the movie is that it will have flashbacks of Kakashi when he was a child. It might even reveal why or how he has the sharingan in 1 eye. There is an official wepage for the movie online. You can access it at; the webpage is in japanese so it probably won't do you much good if you can't read it.

Voice Actors
- Haruno Sakura - Nakamaru Chie
- Hatake Kakashi - Inoue Kazuhiko
- Uzumkai Naruto - Takeuchi Junko
- Uchiha Itachi - Ishikawa Eirou
- Uchiha Sasuke - Sugiyama Noriaki

Production Information
- Story and characters: Masashi Kishimoto
- Director: Hayato Date
- Character Design: Hirofumi Suzuki, Tetsuya Nishio
- Music: Toshiro Masuda
- Music Production: TV Tokyo Music
- Production: Studio Pierrot, TV Tokyo

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