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Vieux 28/10/2007, 11h40   #184 (permalink)
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Par défaut

Rajout du lien vers le nouveau kernel 1.62FR et modification du change log.

Enjoy !

Pour info :

EZ-FLASH 5 Kernel v1.62 upgrade instruction

1.62 need full upgrade including the moonshl, don't update ez5upldr.bin only

1. Please backup your valuable data on the MicroSD, like the ROM and saver folder.

2. Format the MicroSD with FAT16

3. Extract the downloaded kernel package to the root folder of MicroSD. then copy the backuped data back.
4. Press the R key when boot up EZ5 cart till the EZ5 upgrade menu showa up. press R again to upgrade the kernel and A enter the new kernel after upgrade.

5. Click the "blue question mark" button to popup the Help window. Verify the version number on window title.

6. The "ez5upldr.bin" in the root folder can be deleted safely after kernel upgrade.
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Dernière modification par ccosmos ; 28/10/2007 à 11h45.
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