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Vieux 27/10/2007, 10h09   #161 (permalink)
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Date d'inscription: mai 2006
Localisation: Québec :love:
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Envoyé par bitonio6 Voir le message
moi je vois un joli réctangle tout noir...

maintenant ils choisissent la russie?
Pourtant, c'est marqué ça :


Posted: 25 October 2007 Memento is the brainchild of one of our dear friend.

Exploiting the Memor32 Hardware we have been able to prepare a software that will allow everyone to play back-up copies of their games and import games without the need of opening and installing a modchip solution into their PS2.

We plan to make the homebrew writing and launching of any applications from memory card the easyest thing possible. Next we will work to release next a complete suit of applications and tools to further enhance the features offered by this fine piece of hardware.

Finally, greets goes to:

"b-MeM-P", without whose idea all of this would not have been possible!

"ZhufE", for supplying those prototypes.

The Memento Hack Team.

Posted: 24 October 2007 Memento Website released!


The first Download of the Memento Firmware will be available in the coming hours.
The Memento Hack Team!
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