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Vieux 12/10/2007, 08h40   #277 (permalink)
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Par défaut

Voilà, le kernel v1.6 est dispo ICI.

Les instructions pour la MAJ :

Kernel update to V 1.6
dowload at here

EZ-FLASH 5 Kernel v1.6 upgrade instruction

1. Please backup your valuable data on the MicroSD, like the ROM and saver folder.

2. Format the MicroSD with FAT16

3. Extract the downloaded kernel package to the root folder of MicroSD. then copy the backuped data back.
4. Press the R key when boot up EZ5 cart till the EZ5 upgrade menu showa up. press R again to upgrade the kernel and A enter the new kernel after upgrade.

5. Click the "blue question mark" button to popup the Help window. Verify the version number on window title.

6. The "ez5upldr.bin" in the root folder can be deleted safely after kernel upgrade.

Improvement of the upgrade
1. Lower touch screen can be operated, the five icon on the left side is: Brightness adjustment/Cheat toggle(not open yet)/Help/Option/Shutdown by descending order.

2. Removed the MicroSD speed setting and added icon size toggle in the system option.

3. The new kernel used second generation internal hybrid engine. no more savelist needed.

4. Moonshell 1.71 used as system kernel. DPG2 supported

Usage of 3in1 expansion pack
1. The support of Browser and GBA gaming not changed.

2. Rumble and GBA Link can be toggled by touch the button at the center of lower screen. the default setting is Rumble enabled.
J'ai pas le temps pour l'instant de faire une traduction mais je ferais une maj du poste ezv pour les nuls dans la journée.

Mirroir Kernel v1.6
Tu as adoré ce jeu ? Alors n'hésites pas, achètes-le !

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