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Vieux 06/10/2007, 11h41   #230 (permalink)
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Date d'inscription: mai 2006
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J'ai envoyé un mail là où j'ai commandé le starter pack (même si je pense qu'ils ne pourront rien pour moi... Sinon j'ai envoyé aussi un mail dans la partie support du site de Sony (je ne sais pas si je l'ai envoyé à la bonne personne mais bon j'attends la réponse et je verrais bien...)

Le message donnait ça :

Hello !

I'm verry disapointed because I heard that the next week, with a new model of ps3 coming in Europe (40GB), the price of starter packs will be 499€ instead of 599€ just a month after I bought it !

I would like to know if it's possible to get a refund or something like a gift (maybe games or accessories) which worth 100€

I know that for the ones who bought a PS3 just before the Starter Pack comes out, some of them received a second cotroller pad and 2 games...

(Sorry if my english isn't really good, I'm just a french guy and a sad one...)

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