Discussion: rip shenmue
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Vieux 21/09/2007, 18h55   #4 (permalink)
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Date d'inscription: mai 2006
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Cette version content toutes les langues (francais, espagnol, allemand) sauf l'anglais; c'est le pendant de celle d'ECH en qque sorte:
          Game.....: Shenmue II * Multi3 * (C) Sega Europe / AM2
      Release.....: December 31th, 2001  Filename.....: alp-she*.001
      Origin......: EURO/PAL             Ripped.......: read note
      Type........: SEGA DREAMCAST       Files........: -cd1 :24 rars
                                                        -cd2 :26 rars
                                                        -cd3 :25 rars
                                                        -cd4 :26 rars
      Required....: 80 min               Image Format.: cdi dj 3

                            --- Game iNfo ---     

this  is in french, german and spanish version.

we removed english part because echelon already did it.

BiG note: 
As you must know, sega only translated the help menu  and all hints and books
 which are very usefuel to understand what to do in this great game.

rip note:
* ALL english books and helps
* 2 CDDA tracks from cd1  
* you can only swap from cd2>>cd3 ; cd3>>cd4
  you can't swap cd3>>cd2  cd4>>cd3
* 4 audio tracks from cd3 
* some videos were downsample in cd4
* some japanesse speeches from none usefuel dude in cd2,3,4 
    (the stupid guy who said "i can't speack to you i m in hurry")
-|- edd -|-

Merci de ne pas m'envoyer de messages privés pour de
l'assistance, le forum est là pour ça...
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