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Vieux 12/09/2007, 15h09   #1 (permalink)
LoneWolf meta
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Date d'inscription: septembre 2006
Localisation: Springfield
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Une nouvelle mise à jour du Supercard One OS SP5

Une nouvelle mise à jour du Supercard One vient de pointer le bout de son nez, afin de corriger les problèmes que l'on pouvait avoir sur certaisn backups ainsi que le patchage des homebrews quand l'option "Save patch" était désactivée. Cerise sur le gâteau, l'OS de ce linker est désormais multilingue (jusque 8 langues).

Changelog :

Update(2007.09.12): Slot1 SuperCard DSONE OS SP5 released

1.Optimized patch code. Resumed to support save to SD directly in patch mode. This function is very useful, player DO NOT need to worry about losting save when battery out.
2.Rewrited the display code of game guide, there is no size limitation of game guide file.
3.Fixed homebrew can not be patched error when "save patch" unselect.
4.Seperated the patch datebase and save type datebase, user can DIY save type database.
5.Fixed ROMs 192, 223, 390, 989 can not RESET bug.
6. Fiex ROM 1279 can not save in patch mode buy.
7. Patch database update to 1350.
8. Added search cheat code file "/scshell/cheat/GAMECODE_crc.scc".(Such as A2DJ_d793026e.scc), easy for user DIY the AR cheat code.
9. Fixed halt game bug when trim ROM.
10. Cheat code files update to 441.
11. Fixed the problem witch small size of flash memory card can not be supported
12. Added mult-language support. Maximum 8 languages support.
13. Added function witch user can appoint language package.
14. Fixed some games halt bug when "Fix download" selected.

Download : DSONE OS SP5

Portable Power ! ---> 2 PSP Fat&Lite 5.00 M33-2 & 2 DS Fat&Lite + R4 + M3 Real et Perfect + CycloDS Evo

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