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Vieux 09/09/2007, 09h10   #1 (permalink)
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Par défaut Psp Mame4all 4.7r2 Haute Resolution

Nouvelle version de l'émulateur mame4all, cette version est basée sur la version 4.7 de la console gp2x:

zSHARE - 14500_psp_mame4all_v4.7r2_hires_by_ttyman__0809200

A mettre dans votre "game150"

  • Based on latest GP2X MAME4All releases v4.7;
  • 480×272 full PSP Hires Support, now games with >320 orizz. and >240 vert. pixels are fully playable (Loderun, Galaga etc.);
  • Overclock support, from 133 to 333 MHz;
  • Fixed, Fixed Divided by 2, [COLOR=blue ! important][COLOR=blue ! important]Software[/color][/color] Scaled and Software Full Screen Stretched resolutions (all maximum 480×272);
  • Frameskip as GP2X version (fixed 0-5, auto 1-5);
  • Vsync on/off;
  • Save configuration support, default and per game;
  • Autocentering fix for all resolutions;
  • Optimized compiled code as derived from GP2X version, but for PSP [COLOR=blue ! important][COLOR=blue ! important]cpu[/color][/color] (fastest graphics core!);
  • Stripped & Packed executable, only 2.1MB;
  • Original graphics theme from Gold edition;
  • Music in menu (filename music.psp in data folder), in these supported formats: .MOD .S3M, .IT, .XM and .OGG;
  • Added, as bonus, 1st classified OldSkool at Assembly 2007 Music Competition (Commodore 64 based), in .OGG format;
  • Graphic theme 480×272 BMP skins support, both pspmenu480.bmp and pspsplash480.bmp in folder skins
Here are the changes from the last version, also from TTYman's post:
  • 133 MHz in menu and while paused, for battery saving;
  • VSync really works now;
  • Corrected build configuration and Makefile, so sounds in various games are now back;
  • Correct fixed, div2, sw scaled and sw stretched resolutions, with autocentering
- Amélioration encore du pilote du system 16 (MAME 0.36b4) :
* plusieurs jeux sont maintenant jouables (Out Run, Space Harrier, Super Hang-On, Bay Route, etc),
* tous les jeux ont maintenant un son complet (Moon Walker, Shadow Dancer, E-Swat, etc),
* plusieurs corrections dans certains jeux (par exemple, Hang-On n'a plus d'erreurs graphiques).
- Ajout des noyaus sonores SEGAPCM, RF5C68 et YM2612 (requis pour plusieurs jeux du System 16).
- Roms modifiées en reprenant MAME 0.36b4 : alexkidd, aliensyn, altbeas2, altbeast, astormbl, atomicp, aurail, bodyslam, dduxbl, eswatbl, fantzone, fpointbl, goldnaxa, goldnaxe, hangon, hwchamp, mjleague, moonwlkb, passshtb, quartet, quartet2, riotcity, sdi, shdancer, shdancrj, shinobi, shinobl, tetrisbl, timscanr, tturf, tturfbl, wb3, wb3bl, wrestwar.
- Nouvelles roms provenant de MAME 0.36b4 : alexkida, aliensya, aliensyb, astorm, auraila, bayrouta, bayroute, bayrtbl1, bayrtbl2, endurob2, endurobl, enduror, eswat, fpoint, goldnabl, goldnaxb, goldnaxc, moonwalk, outrun, outruna, outrunb, passsht, shangon, shangonb, sharrier, shdancbl, shinobia, tetris, wb3a.
- Mise à jour du noyau Cyclone M68k par Notaz. Ajout du mode TRACE et de l'émulation des erreurs d'adresse.
- 1 202 sont maintenant supportées. Mise à jour des DAT ClrMAME.
A VOS TESTS !! je vais tester vendetta direct !!!!!!


HEY momo-ps2 le retour ! bbah là tu t'es fait doubler

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Dernière modification par thairacer ; 09/09/2007 à 09h22.
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